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Compliance & Ethics

Doing Right By Everyone We Work With


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在企业移动,我们对合规和道德的关注是我们开展业务的核心. More than 65 years after our organization was founded, respect, dignity and customer service continue to fuel our success.

Guiding our growth from the very beginning, we’re inspired by our Founding Values and Jack Taylor’s timeless credo to “do the right thing.“这些基石使我们能够建立一个充满活力的全球网络,让人们共同努力,推动BET9官方APP下载向前发展.

Personal honesty and integrity are integral to our success. 我们坚持高标准的商业道德和负责任的行为,以保持在客户中的良好声誉, business partners, suppliers and employees. We make our Founding Values and Code of Conduct 每个人都可以在我们的公司网站上看到,并为员工提供年度培训.

Our Supplier Diversity Policy helps increase the number of diverse businesses — including minority-owned, woman-owned, 退伍军人拥有的和其他社会或经济上处于不利地位的小企业-为我们的组织提供商品和服务. Under the policy, we provide tools and assistance for our employees to responsibly identify, select and do business with new suppliers. 

Our global Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for suppliers to uphold high standards of quality, integrity, excellence, safety, legal compliance and respect for human rights.

企业移动在其全球运营和供应链中努力维护和支持人权. Our Human Rights Statement 概述作为一个组织,我们为维护一个对所有工人都安全、公平、不受歧视、骚扰和强迫劳动的企业所做的努力, including child labor, any forms of modern slavery or human trafficking. 我们优先考虑与与我们在人权方面有共同价值观和承诺的供应商建立关系,并期望我们的供应商和商业伙伴坚持相同的标准.

企业移动致力于以高标准的隐私保护客户, confidentiality and security through comprehensive and proactive data privacy, security and training programs developed from industry-accepted best practices. 这些程序是基于普遍接受的隐私原则(GAPP)指导原则和信息安全论坛(ISF)良好实践标准. Organizational, 物理和操作上的安全由持证专业人员组成的全职工作人员维护,他们的角色和职责涵盖所有信息隐私和安全专业. These programs cover policies and procedures such as Privacy Principles, Global Privacy Framework, Corporate Information Security Policy, Data Classification Policy, Enterprise Security Framework, Privacy Incident Response procedures, Employee Privacy policies and other internal policies governing the collection, use, sharing and retention of data. Click here to learn more.

企业移动执行旨在帮助我们保护和改善员工福利的政策和实践, customers and communities. We’re striving to:

  • Support human health and safety through safety and hazard training programs, injury prevention communications and compliance assurance.
  • 提供安全的工作环境,防止事故、伤害和职业病.
  • 通过培训和沟通鼓励员工参与和问责,帮助确保合规和减少伤害.
  • 通过维护燃油系统的管理系统,降低运营过程中的环境风险, product storage and waste and recyclables; as well as emergency response training programs.

联邦机动车安全标准要求汽车制造商向车主发出安全召回通知. When Enterprise Mobility receives such a safety recall notice, 我们通过相应的车辆识别号码(VIN)识别受影响的车辆,然后在我们的租赁管理系统中对这些车辆进行“强制租赁暂停”,直到车辆OEM提供适当的维修或补救措施. 这个“暂停”指示召回工作在租用车辆之前完成. 有时制造商会建议,经过授权的临时维修后,某些被召回的车辆可以安全运行. In such cases, 我们可以在临时维修完成后租用车辆,但仅限于最终补救措施可用之前. 

Enterprise Mobility is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. 所有符合条件的申请人,不论年龄,均可获考虑聘用, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, 受保护的退伍军人身份或任何其他受保护类别,不得因残疾而受到歧视. We work hard to:

  • Respect differences in the backgrounds, experiences and perspectives of each other, our customers, suppliers and business partners.
  • 创造一个没有基于种族歧视雇员或求职者的环境, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or any other status protected by law.
  • Create an environment free from intimidation and harassment of any sort.

企业移动寻求与我们有共同价值观并努力维持高质量标准的加盟商, integrity, excellence, safety, 遵守法律和人权,并尊重我们所服务社区的习俗和文化. We also encourage franchisees, where possible, to take voluntary steps to reduce their operations’ environmental impact. 为了促进对加盟商期望的共同理解,我们制定了一套 Franchisee Code of Conduct. 所有加盟商应理解本守则并遵守其精神和意图.

Enterprise Mobility does not tolerate corruption or bribery. As appropriate, we communicate employee expectations through the Code of Conduct, standalone Anti-Corruption Policy and related compliance training.

我们于2015年正式制定了合规和道德计划,以透明地向员工传达我们的标准和承诺, corporate partners and customers. As appropriate, employees receive annual compliance training. 员工如对政策有疑问或遇到潜在的不当行为,请致电道德操守热线 Code of Conduct.


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